I was born in a box.
Like everyone I've ever known, I was meant to live my
entire life inside of it, then pass on peacefully, forever protected
within its walls.
It was good for awhile.
I felt safe and loved.
After a few bad days, my perspective started to shift.
Soon, not even my family could look me in the eye, and the
box started to get smaller.
Suddenly there was no room for me. And yet there was
nowhere to escape to.
still sits in the ornate room, unmoving.
Your options are limited when you're trapped in a cage
filled with people who hate you.
Do we deserve to be happy?
The Blue Jay, with his deceitful call, clinging to
survival in hostile territory.
The caged Hawk, merciless in her fight to be free.
The impetuous Magpie, revelling in mayhem, no one to love
The Red Cardinal who let them all down.
Do we deserve to be happy?
All of us?